St. Thomas Forane Church
St. Thomas Forane Church
Jalahalli, Banagalore, Karnataka 560 013

Vincent de Paul

Prayer to Glorious St. Vincent

Glorious St. Vincent, patron of all charitable associations and brother of those who suffer and all those who came to you during your lifetime asking for your help, look on our distress and come to our assistance. Obtain from Our Lord help for the poor, relief for the infirm, consolation for the afflicted, protection for the abandoned, a spirit of generosity for the rich, grace of conversion for sinners, zeal for priests, peace for the Church, tranquility and order for all nations, and salvation for them all. May all feel your compassion, intercession and help, in the sorrows of this life and may we be united in the life to come, where there is no sorrow, tears or pain, but only joy, gladness, and everlasting happiness.



About Us

The Society of St. Vincent De Paul (SSVP) is an international non-profit organization headquartered in Paris, having a representative in the UN NGOs’ organization. This Christian charity organization was founded in 1833 in Paris, France by Frederic Ozanam and has since been a major voluntary outfit of the world that has touched millions of lives in many positive ways.

Inspired by the Biblical values of Charity, Empathy, Humility, Justice and Spirituality, the society provides its member volunteers who are lay Catholics, a working model to live through these core values by being the Good Samaritans to the less fortunate of the society; irrespective of the caste, creed, class, gender or religion of the latter. In India, SSVP started in 1863 and has its headquarters in Mumbai. St. Thomas Conference, Jalahalli was started in 1996 and the year 2021 marks our Silver Jubilee Year.


  • Monthly Akashaparvagal Visit
  • Pilgrimage to MYLAPORE, St. Thomas Mount On November 25th, 2023.
  • Christmas Kit Distribution on 17th December
  • House Renovation and Blessing on the 7th of January 2024. This residence is located in K.G. Halli, was allocated to a visually impaired woman and her family.
  • Lenten Retreat 18 February 2024 at St. Thomas Church, Dharmaram. Thirty-three members from our conference participated in this spiritually enriching event. 
  • Visit of Fr. Joe Augustino from International Vincentian Family on February 29th, 2024. 
  • Visit to DSS Sisters Charity Home “Santhwana” (2nd March 2024)
  • Easter Gifts to Andrahalli Village (27th March 2024) 
  • Infrastructure Development at Sharon School
  • Helped in house construction of a needy by contributing 50k towards the construction of a house of a poor widow Mrs. Divya from Shimoga
  • Visit to Beneficiary Houses in K.G. Halli On 30th June 2024
  • Visit to St. Don Bosco’s Orphanage on 28th July 2024 in Devanhalli and donated clothing and groceries worth ₹30,000 to the orphanage.
  • House Construction for a Beneficiary by contributing
  • Mission Station Visit to Anchettihalli on 14th September 2024


Oct 6

As part of the ongoing ‘Year of Care Programme’, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, along with class 11th and 12th catechism students, organized a visit to Akashaparavakal’s Women’s Center, Thiritwa Ashrama in Nagwara on 6th October 2024.

Oct 2

A 14-member team from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) visited Asha Bhavan, Malur on 2nd October 2024. During the visit, the team spent time with the Sisters, who shared the current situation of the orphanage, including the challenges faced by the new inmates.

Aug 20

Electronic Gadgets for students’ online classes.

Office Bearers

T. J. Cyriac
President SSVP Jalahalli  
C A Thresia
Vice President SSVP Jalahalli   
Sunny A T
Secretary SSVP Jalahalli  
Thomas T A
Treasurer SSVP Jalahalli-  
Jeevan Raj Joseph
Joint Secretary SSVP Jalahalli  
P.C. Varghese
Joint Treasurer SSVP Jalahalli