St. Thomas Forane Church
St. Thomas Forane Church
Jalahalli, Banagalore, Karnataka 560 013

Year of Hunger

Year of Hunger – Inauguration at St. Thomas Forane Church, Jalahalli

The Year of Hunger was officially inaugurated at St. Thomas Forane Church, Jalahalli, on April 3rd, 2022. During the ceremony, our Parish Priest, Fr. Sunny Mathew CMF, lit the lamp, symbolizing the beginning of this important initiative. He was joined by leaders from various pious organizations within the parish, all uniting in a commitment to address hunger and support those in need throughout the year.

Pidiyari Inauguration – May 22nd, 2022

In alignment with the Year of Hunger, the Pidiyari initiative of Mandya Diocese was inaugurated in our parish on May 22nd, 2022. Rooted in the ancient practice of setting aside a handful of rice from daily rations, this initiative encourages parishioners to either save rice or a small monetary amount to support those in need. The contributions are collected at the parish and distributed to the poor, fostering a spirit of sharing and compassion within the community.

Year of Hunger Bike Rally – May 29th, 2022

On May 29th, 2022, the inaugural flag-off for the Year of Hunger was conducted by the youth and parish members at 9:45 AM. The Bike Rally started from St. Thomas Forane Church, Jalahalli, and passed through Mother of Victory Church, Yelahanka, and St. Francis De Sales Church, Jakkur. During the rally, approximately 300 food packets were distributed to the Lakshmipura slum in Singapura, demonstrating our community’s commitment to serving the poor and fostering a spirit of generosity and unity.

St. Theresa’s Mercy Home – August 10th, 2022

As part of the Year of Hunger initiative, parish members visited St. Theresa’s Mercy Home to distribute provisions collected through offerings and the Pidiyari initiative. On this occasion, approximately 400 kg of provisions and groceries were donated to support the residents. This act of kindness reflects our parish’s unwavering commitment to extending care and support to those in need.

Parish, Forane, and Diocese Level Bible Kalotsavam – Year of Hunger Theme

In alignment with the Year of Hunger initiative, the Bible Kalotsavam 2022 took place at the Parish, Forane, and Diocese levels, focusing on instilling compassion and sensitivity in children toward those in need. The theme of hunger and service to others was woven into all activities, encouraging participants to reflect on the importance of supporting the less fortunate. This series of events helped foster a spirit of empathy and sharing among the youth, guiding them to be more aware of the needs around them.

Parish Level Bible Kalotsavam – October 9th, 2022

The Parish Level Bible Kalotsavam was held on October 9th, 2022, with enthusiastic participation from children across the parish. Through various competitions, children were encouraged to understand the teachings of the Bible in light of the Year of Hunger, inspiring them to be sensitive to the needs of others. All the parish-level winners were selected to advance to the Forane Level Bible Kalotsavam.

Forane Level Bible Kalotsavam – October 23rd, 2022

On October 23rd, 88 students from St. Mary’s Eucharistic Centre (Bylakere), St. Thomas Forane Church (Jalahalli), and Mother of Victory Church (Yelahanka) came together for the Forane Level Bible Kalotsavam at St. Thomas Forane Church, Jalahalli. The event was a celebration of faith, unity, and compassion, reinforcing the Year of Hunger theme by highlighting ways in which faith calls for action in helping those who are struggling. Forane Level winners were given the opportunity to represent their communities at the Diocese Level Kalotsavam.

Diocesan Bible Kalotsavam – November 13th & 20th, 2022

The Tenth Diocese Level Bible Kalotsavam, organized by the Commission for Bible and Catechetics, was held in our parish on November 13th and 20th, 2022 This mega event saw an overwhelming 1,366 registrations from 39 different parishes across our diocese. The theme for this year’s Bible Kalotsavam, in line with the Year of Hunger initiative, was “Feeding the Hungry – The Door to Salvation,” underscoring our call to address the needs of the less fortunate through faith and action.

On November 13th, the competitions focused on Literary Events, where participants showcased their creativity on hunger-related themes from the Bible. The events included Essay Writing, Story Writing, Poetry Writing, Poster Colouring, and Pencil Sketching, all highlighting the theme of hunger and compassion as reflected in Scripture.

The stage-related individual and group events were held on November 20th, starting at 8:00 AM. The competitions included Elocution in both English and Malayalam, Extempore, Psalm Reciting, Bible Storytelling, Bible Reading, Mono Act, Single Dance, Solo Song, Group Song, Margamkali, Mime, and Group Dance. Once again, all the stage events were centered around the theme of hunger and its connection to Christian values.The Valedictory Ceremony, held in the evening, celebrated the achievements of the participants. A total of 164 individual awards, 20 group event awards, 15 overall championship awards, and 3 Forane Level awards were presented, recognizing the outstanding efforts and performances of our children in embodying the theme of the Year of Hunger. This event was a resounding success, bringing together the faithful in a spirit of unity, faith, and service to those in need.