
Vincent De Paul Society

Vincent De Paul Society

Bl. Frederic Ozanam was a loving husband and devoted father. Frederic Ozanam achieved greatness as a gifted scholar, a dedicated teacher, a generous Christian, and a gentle but effective reformer.The foundation of the St. Vincent de Paul Society led him to make contact with the working class and to see the real sufferings of these workers resulting from the new economic conditions multiplied by the sufferings of all classes, faced with so many anguishing situations, with so much undeserved distress, so many families stricken by hunger, and sickness. He found Christ in those who carry the heaviest burden of human suffering and social injustice.

Frederic Ozanam, already venerated throughout the world, will thus be proposed as an example to lay people like us, particularly young people today, seeking social, moral and spiritual guidelines.
Ozanam leaves a lasting legacy to all of us. His dedication to social reform and Christian social justice continues to moves us deeply. His integration of his professional and spiritual life continues to challenges us daily. His example of simple and open leadership continues to guide us effectively. His belief in the relevancy of the Christian message to modern life continues to inspire us constantly. His Society of Saint Vincent de Paul continues his active work of Christian charity, precisely because his legacy is lasting.

We are inspired by his work. Hence we started St. Thomas Church Conference in 1996 and we the young and the old made a resolution to answer the call of Christ by dedicating ourselves to the poor.

Our major activities are as follows:

  1. Educating poor children from all religion.
  2.  Construction of houses/ utility blocks for the poor.
  3. Providing monthly Rations to our Adopted families.
  4.  Providing medical assistance to the poor and needy.
  5. Financial assistance to poor girls for their marriage
  6. Visiting the sick and anyone in distress.
  7. Spiritual guidance to the poor.
  8. Organizing Medical Check-up & Blood Donation Camps.
  9. Regular Old Age and Orphanage Visit

Any generous donation/contribution to the Conference towards this noble work will be much appreciated and gratefully accepted.

Anyone under distress, stricken by hunger and sickness irrespective of caste or creed can contact us for our help.

Mr. Tom Thomas0091-80-25583317 (9.00 AM to 5.00 PM)
0091-9845203524 (Cell)