St. Thomas Forane Church
St. Thomas Forane Church
Jalahalli, Banagalore, Karnataka 560 013

St. Vincent De Paul Ward


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Patron Saint

"Go to the poor, you will find God."
-Vincent de Paul

Patron Prayer

Glorious St. Vincent, patron of all charitable associations and brother of those who suffer and all those who came to you during your lifetime asking for your help, look on our distress and come to our assistance. Obtain from Our Lord help for the poor, relief for the infirm, consolation for the afflicted, protection for the abandoned, a spirit of generosity for the rich, grace of conversion for sinners, zeal for priests, peace for the Church, tranquility and order for all nations, and salvation for them all. May all feel your compassion, intercession and help, in the sorrows of this life and may we be united in the life to come, where there is no sorrow, tears or pain, but only joy, gladness, and everlasting happiness.


About the patron

St. Vincent de Paul (1581–1660) is renowned for his compassion, humility, and dedication to serving those in need. As the founder of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity, he devoted his life to helping the poor, sick, and marginalized, demonstrating that true Christian love is shown through action. His commitment to charity and social justice is an inspiration for families and communities, encouraging us to see Christ in the faces of the less fortunate. Through his life, St. Vincent reminds us that our faith calls us to serve with humility, generosity, and a deep sense of responsibility towards one another

Ward Details

Ward prayer on
4th Monday of the month
Ward feast day
27th September
Number of families
Number of members

Ward Leaders

Joshy KJ
Joby Thomas
Jobee Paul
Rani Xavier